In part one of
A Day in the Life of a Sophisticated Housecat, I took you on a pictorial tour of a typical feline morning. Today we will discus what happens when a sophisticated housecat wakes from his morning nap and decides to grace his humans with his immaculate presence.

After waking and moving from their favourite napping place, the first thing the sophisticated housecat must do is check the weather. This holds true for the afternoon, just as it does the morning. A housecat must never go a day without looking out the window at least three times. Failing to do this may deprive kitty of warm sunlight, soft breezes, or a plethora of interesting smells and sensations. Remember, too, that sophisticated housecats must take every opportunity to look down upon the average commoner, that is to say, the alley cats.

A housecat's afternoon activity is usually determined by the weather. If it is sunny, the obvious action is to catch some of the warm rays and relax for a while. Of course, it's not always sunny and warm. There are rainy days, and there are winter days. When the weather is less than ideal, what choice does the sophisticated housecat have than to skip sunbathing and move on to the next activity of the afternoon: Finding trouble.

Finding trouble is not usually a difficult task. Most humans, especially the artsy kind, own things that they don't wish disturbed. Disturbing such objects is usually an adequate means of finding trouble. There are times however when the afternoon search for trouble comes up dry. During such droughts the best option is to play your trump and make mischief.

Making mischief is far more important than you may think. If it weren't for the horridly mischievous moments a sophisticated housecat displays, humans might begin to expect constant friendly companionship. However, as housecats we do have codes by which we must abide. The Feline Absolute Aloofness Act of 1562 wasn't created for nothing, and hem-mangling, as pictured here, is a good way of reminding humans that we, unlike dogs, do not rely on them for anything.

Mischief making is a draining, though often necessary, task. What follows, however, is usually more so. Making amends is best done by looking cute and innocent. Cats know what humans really like, and we do it well. Acting cute and innocent usually seals the rift caused by a particularly vicious hem-mangle within as little as a quarter of an hour after the act. Making amends isn't the only time assuming the cute and innocent posture is worthwhile. When cats require afternoon goodies, they often resort to this method, as it is an extremely effective means of goody getting.

The afternoon isn't the most hectic part of the sophisticated housecat's day, but it's tiring nonetheless. That brings us to the conclusion of this weeks' portion of A Day in the Life of a Sophisticated Housecat: The afternoon nap. Napping is, as was stated before, a valuable part of feline function. Finding a comfortable place to nap in the afternoon is just as vital as it is at any other point in the day. The ideal afternoon napping place will be comfortable but neither too warm or too cool. Heavy sleeping should never be undertaken in the afternoon, as it will leave a kitty groggy during the evening.
Thank you for reading today's Housecat Wisdom. Please, click in next week for my bi-weekly agony session, where I'll answer yet another question from one of my hapless readers. And don't forget the week following when I will be posting the final segment of this pictorial, A Day in the Life of a Sophisticated Housecat Part III: The Evening.
READERS REMEMBER! You may now ask Mr. Fleez for his jaded opinion* on your personal situations. Please send your enquiries to:
*DISCLAIMER: By contacting Housecat Wisdom you're asking a housecat for his personal opinion. If you require serious advice, please, write Ann Landers, Dear Abby, or consult a professional psychiatrist.akw: Grooming salons, Decorations, Kitty Condos, Cat Trees, Cat Toys, Cat nip, Teasers, Lazers, Treats.
Dear Mr. Fleas,
I enjoy reading your column. You seem to have the good life where you are living. I too have it pretty good, in fact my owner caved in and bought me a carpeted tree. I guess she figures I'll climb that in stead of the ladders.
It makes it easier to reach the bugs on the walls.
I look forward to reading your next story.
Katie Daniels
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