A Cat's-Eye View on Government.

Society should give cats a go at the reins for a while; we're more than qualified. We've been around for thousands of years in spite of countless anti-cat propaganda campaigns. We are intelligent, insightful, and we know that there is more wisdom in victimising grasshoppers than each other. These are only a few of the many positive virtues felis domesticus holds over the average human politician, so why aren't we ruling the world? I believe the answer lies in the flushing toilet. Humans cling dogmatically to the use of so-called modern facilities. However, if you could pinpoint the quality found most lacking in human officials, it'd likely be humility. (And, trust me, there's no way to maintain a static level of pride when you have to scrape around in a sandbox for fifteen minutes prior to evacuating your bowels.) We cats are humble in excess when compared to the ridiculous pride displayed by the self-professed rulers of the world. Though, with the way politicians sling dirt these days, the sandbox isn't exactly practical, is it?
Perhaps the flushable toilet isn't the seat of all mankind's woes; pride, on the other paw, isn't so easily exonerated. Excessive pride is probably the most damaging element in the world today, and humans are famous for it. Now, couple that with a conspicuous lack of scruples and you have a society full of envy, strife, deceit, selfishness, and contention. Sound familiar?
I've learned a couple of things from this brief consideration of human civilisation: Firstly, I actually appreciate not having to share my sandbox with a filthy human. Furthermore, you can't legislate morality. If you could, malicious stupidity would be something found only in history books.
READERS REMEMBER! You may now ask Mr. Fleez for his jaded opinion* on your personal situations. Please send your enquiries to: housecatwisdom@yahoo.co.uk.
*DISCLAIMER: By contacting Housecat Wisdom you're asking a housecat for his personal opinion. If you require serious advice, please, write Ann Landers, Dear Abby, or consult a professional psychiatrist.
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