
In loving Memory...

This week there has been a tragedy in the feline world, as one of the most sophisticated moggies of our generation has died. Her passing leaves behind a bittersweet legacy of beautiful memories and sadness, as she was highly valued and loved by all who knew her.

Sweet Lady Marjorie, Fancy of Pants, was a loving, gentle creature, with the big, bright eyes and the quiet disposition of a proper British Shorthair. She was also extremely humble, as after learning the plight of the common kitty, she renounced her hereditary pedigree and opted to be reckoned with the moggy masses, going so far as answering to the simple moniker, Fancy Pants.

During the first half of her too-short life, she suffered much. Her first humans didn't understand the complex needs of any feline, and because of their ignorance she underwent a complete and incompetently performed declawing, years of careless over feeding, countless hours without an attendant, and even outright mistreatment. By the age of six, she was grossly obese, suffering chronic, disabling constipation, resulting in a condition known as feline mega-colon, and feline spinal scoliosis (an effect of four-paw declawing).

When the couple keeping her divorced, she was taken to a new home where proper care was impossible due to the elderly human's limitations. She suffered several months more, until finally a decent, competent human offered to care for her in her debilitated state. From the moment of their meeting, Fancy Pants and Heather were utterly inseparable. Heather knew the devotion required in caring for such a needy kitty, and Fancy Pants, having the training of a proper lady, knew how to reward and dignify her human. They were a purrfect example of felidae/human relations.

Years of faithfully dosed medication, a well-monitored premium diet, and countless lovingly administered belly rubs helped Fancy Pants survive four years past the typical ten given to cats who suffer feline mega-colon, but this year she succumbed to pancreatic cancer, a disease that sometimes occurs in cats that have chronic digestive problems. Sadly, there is no cure for this dreaded disease, and after much suffering, she was put to rest with great love and empathy. As is fitting her beautifully majestic purrsonality, she will be cremated on a bed of roses.

There will be no filling the void left by our Sweet Lady Marjorie, Fancy of Pants. She was certainly the crème de la crème of sophistication and class. She will be missed for many years to come.

With purrs of sorrow,
W.C. Humphries II (Mr. Fleez for short.)


At 2:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jazzie and I thank you for the information about dear Fancy Pants and her life with the special human that loved her so much. Thanks, Marjorie for your dedication and love. We are sorry for your loss. Sharon and Jazzie

At 6:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a beautiful cat who finally did get to enjoy the last of her life thanks to a very caring person.


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