Regular Modern-Day Nimrods!
I guess what I'd really like to know is how a big mighty hunter feels about bagging a 6 pound domestic cat? Does it make him feel like, well, a mighty hunter? Furthermore, how would one of these hunter chappies really know if who they're killing is a cat of the feral variety? How do they know it's not just someone's Moggy Majestique out for a stroll? How many of these cat-killers will wantonly shoot at any cat and claim that they didn't know it wasn't a feral? It seems to me that this is the ideal circumstance for kill-happy idiots and closet sadists. Mind you, I don't know all the rules and regulations governing this sport, but these wouldn't sway me anyway, no matter how well they are written and executed.
You know, I've been thinking about the psychology behind the killing of domestic felines. A purrson would have to have a serious disdain for cats to actually shoot one in cold blood. Then, there are other factors to consider, as well. What of concern for one's neighbors and their feline superiors? I find it hard to believe that no one has taken this as a right to rid the neighborhood of indoor/outdoor felines, regardless of whether or not these own humans in the area.
I don't know if there are many women involved in this sport, but men are primarily the fools who pose with their feline kill as though it's a mighty beast, capable of tearing their guts out, that they've managed to wrestle down and kill with their bare hands. That's not how it is, though. In reality these are men sitting in blinds, wearing camouflage, toting high-powered hunting rifles with attached guided scopes. Not entirely fair, is it? That leads me to the most baffling question, what really is the point?
I think felines, unlike d*gs, appear more aloof and less controllable. Since these men obviously like to have the upper paw, i.e. scopes and semiautomatic weaponry, it stands to reason that cats are more of a threat to their egos than they are to their flowerbeds. They kill cats to show them who's really boss. "I'll show you to not come when I call you or sit up and beg or OBEY ME!" It's sad that these little men have such weak self-esteem. If they are willing to kill an animal that frustrates them, how might they treat their wives when they get out of line? What of the kiddies?
Mind you, I don't believe all hunters are like this, but when I see a big, mighty hunter standing over his wild, beastly feline kill that weighs all of 6 pounds, it does make me question their mental state. Why so proud? It's not that big of an achievement. If I had a high-powered fire arm, a guided scope, camouflage, a blind, and an opposable thumb, I bet I could kill you, too.
Yours Purringly,
W.C. Humphries II (Mr. Fleez for short.)
I agree with all you have aid. I have never been able to understand why people feel so threatened by a cat. Why, down through the ages cats have been so persecuted. I don't think I could ever be happy without my lovfing feline friends. My cats are more than just pets. They are a big part of my family. My cats meet me at the door when I come home from shopping. They stay at my side all day, they sleep with me. My cats truly enrich my life. These horribly cruel people that spend their time hunting for feral cats, are disgusting.
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